Thursday, July 29, 2010

What a Wonderful World!

Have you ever wondered what a dog is thinking about when he sits in the grass, smelling the air, feeling the breeze blowing by?  I often wonder that when I see my westie, Sam, sitting outside.  I imagine he is thinking about the birds singing, the little bugs flying around, what's he going to do after he sits in the grass, what's that noise, when's dinner?
I think if he could sing he would be singing "What a Wonderful World" and he would sound just like Louis Armstrong.  He loves the outdoors and sitting in the grass and thinking about his world!


  1. Love the new look. Love your blog.

  2. :) Miss Patti, I love this new post! I think Sam would appreciate it too! Have a happy day!!!


Grand Loop Road - Yellowstone

 We stopped at a beautiful falls and took many photos.  The largest is called Gibbon Falls.